
Appointment Books

personalised appointment books

These are Appointment Books used by Hair & Beauty Salons, Medical Practices — any business which needs an appointment book structured to their individual requirements.

We prepare them in A4 and A3 size, depending on the number of persons each sheet must cater for. Usually, the A4 format caters for up to 3 people with the A3 version for up to 7 people. Each can be adapted to individual requirements, including the range of hours and days. In other words, tell us what you want and we’ll set it up for you.

They are printed with your logo on the cover, a year calendar on the inside of the cover, 100 double-sided sheets per book, and bound into a book on the left. Or, we can prep-print the Day, Date, Month and Year in the header. In these cases we recommend having a book of nor more than 6 months, printed on both sides of the sheet. This avoids the book becoming too heavy and clumsy to work with.

Option: Buy the template and print your own, or at whichever service provider you use.
The entire package containing all the templates as well as CSV and XLS merge files is bundled into the sale. You can then edit the Word version and get them printed by your printer or copy shop, or even on your home printer as you need.

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If you have individual requirement, please contact Talk 2 with your requirements HERE.