
Personalised Notepads

Having a notepad with your logo and contact details on it is a great alternative to fliers and even business cards – or as a supplemental tool to both. Plus, in A6 size it can be used as a compliment slip – helping you cut down on another form of stationery. As an A5 it can be used for business meetings and conferences.

  • Businesses can use it as gifts along with a worthwhile order
  • Accommodation establishments can leave a small pad in every room and at reception.
  • It creates a good impression when used as a notepad during meetings or conferences .

What’s also great about this little tool is that one need not distribute an entire pad to one individual. If the pad consists of 100 gummed sheets you can simply pull off what you think is needed, e.g. a pack of 5 per room or 20 sheets for one kind of customer and 50 sheets for another.

Talk 2 provides 4 A6 pads per order or 2 A5 pads at a time.